Izlaganje Jelke Zorn: “Anti-racist Social Work: Fight Borders (of Welfare Services) not People without Documents”

Izlaganje Jelke Zorn: “Anti-racist Social Work: Fight Borders (of Welfare Services) not People without Documents”

Jelka Zorn sudjelovala je s izlaganjem “Anti-racist Social Work: Fight Borders (of Welfare Services) not People without Documents” na skupu Social Work Theories and Methods (Social Work – A Hinge of Practical Utopia). Skup se u organizaciji Sveučilišta u Ljubljani (Slovenija), Sveučilišta St. Pölten (Austrija) i Norveškog sveučilišta za znanosti tehnologiju (NTNU) održao na Interuniverzitetskom centru u Dubrovniku od 12. do 16. 9. 2022. godine.

Sudionici Social Work Theories and Methods (Dubrovnik, 2022)
