
Hameršak, Marijana, Iva Pleše i Tea Škokić, ur. 2024. Balkanska ruta. Pojmovnik europskog režima iregulariziranih migracija na periferiji EU. Zagreb: Sandorf.

e-erim: mreža pojmova europskog režima iregulariziranih migracija na periferiji EU (2022-)

tematski broj časopisa movements: Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies, 2020, 5/1, Frontier Within: The European Border Regime in the Balkans, ur. Barbara Beznec, Andrej Kurnik, Marijana Hameršak, Sabine Hess, Marc Speer i Marta Stojić Mitrović


Pozniak, Romana. 2023. “Temporalnost humanitarne skrbi. Politike upravljanja vremenom u režimu migracija”. Narodna umjetnost 60/2: 243-262.

Škokić, Tea. 2023. „Borba nad ruinama. Napušteni objekti u Bihaću kao skloništa migranata“. Etnološka tribina 53/ 46: 229-254.

Hameršak, Marijana & Marta Stojić Mitrović. 2023. “COVID-19 Responses and the European Border Regime in Croatia and Serbia. Spectacularizing Borders and Sovereignties“. Studia Środkowoeuropejskie i Bałkanistyczne 32: 201-226.

Hameršak, Marijana. 2023. “Refugee Literatures, Documents and Fakes: Kristian Novak’s Gypsy, but the Fairest of them All“. In den Rändern der Literatur: Dokument und Literatur in zentraleuropäischen Kulturen – Tracing the Edges of Literature: Documentary Fiction in Central European Cultures. Milka Car, Csongor Lörincz, Danijela Lugarić & Gábor Tamás Molnár, ur. Wien: Böhlau, 97-114.

Mucko, Bojan. 2023. “Humanitarka i distro. Refleksivno iz režima iregulariziranih migracija”.  Narodna umjetnost 60/1: 163-187.

Petrović, Duško. 2022. “Posrnuli suverenitet? Dva slučaja posrnuća suvereniteta nacije države na primjeru Hrvatske”. sic: časopis za književnost, kulturu i književno prevođenje 13/1.

Lipovec Čebron, Uršula & Juš Škraban. 2022. “Intercultural Mediation and its Conflicting Allegiances in Slovenia”. Ethnologia Europaea 52/2: 1–23.

Czerny, Sarah, Marijana Hameršak, Iva Pleše & Sanja Bojanić. 2022. „Can the Forests be Xenophobic? Migrant Pathways through Croatia and the Forest as a Cover“. U Sentient Ecologies. Xenophobic Imaginaries of Landscape. Alexandra Coțofană & Hikmet Kuran, ur. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books, 211-228.

Hameršak, Marijana. 2022. „‘Er setzte sich auf einen Sthuhl und erklärte’. Textuelle Antworten von unten auf Pushbacks as EUropas Rändern“. U Von Moria bis Hanau – Brutalisierung und Widerstand: Grenzregime IV. Valeria Hänsel, Karl Heyer, Matthias Schmidt-Sembdner & Nina V. Schwarz, ur. Berlin – Hamburg: Assoziation A, 123-141. (djelomično = Intersections: East European Journal of Society and Politics (2021) 7/2: 49-72)

Hameršak, Marijana & Iva Pleše. 2022. “Passing by In/Visibly. The Lone Child in the Croatian Section of the Balkan Refugee Corridor”. U Children, Young People and Borders A Multidisciplinary Outlook. Machteld Venken, Virpi Kaisto & Chiara Brambilla ur. Oxon-New   York: Routledge, 70-88. (= Journal of Borderlands Studies (2021)6/2: 219-237)

Hameršak, Marijana. 2021. “Between Supporting and Reporting. Grassroots Textual Responses to the Pushbacks at the Fringes of EU“. Intersections: East European Journal of Society and Politics 7/2: 49-72.

Hameršak, Marijana & Iva Pleše. 2021. “Passing by In/Visibly. The Lone Child in the Croatian Section of the Balkan Refugee Corridor”. Journal of Borderlands Studies 6/2: 219-237.

Hameršak, Marijana & Iva Pleše. 2021. „Forest, forest, forest. Sometimes we Sleep. Walking, Sleep, Walking, Sleep. It’s Dangerous on this Way. Weaponized Migration Landscapes at the Outskirts of the European Union“. Etnološka tribina 44/51: 204-221.

Hameršak, Marijana & Marta Stojić Mitrović. 2021. “Pandemija koronavirusne bolezni in procesi omejevanja na Hrvaškem in v Srbiji“. Glasnik SED-a 61/2: 39-44.

Stojić Mitrović, Marta. 2021. „Maloletni migranti na putu kroz Srbiju. Kontekstualni i sistemski faktori“. U 30 godina primene Konvencije Ujedinjenih nacija o pravima deteta. Savremeni aspekti. Tibor Varadi i Gordana Kovaček Stanić, ur. Beograd: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, 201–224.

Jovanović, Teodora. 2021. “Forced (Im)Mobilities En Route. ‘Justified’ Violence of the Border Regime in Balkans“. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 69/2: 433-455.

Zorn, Jelka. 2021. “Nasilne meje, varnostnizacija in kriminalizacija solidarnosti“. Socialno delo 60/2: 167-180.

Zorn, Jelka. 2021. “Evropski mejni režim. Tihotapljenje ljudi in paradoks kriminalizacije solidarnosti“. Dve domovini / Two Homelands 53/1: 81-98.

Zorn, Jelka. 2021. “The Case of Ahmad Shamieh’s Campaign against Dublin Deportation. Embodiment of Political Violence and Community Care“. Social Sciences 10/5.

Hameršak, Marijana, Sabine Hess, Marc Speer & Marta Stojić Mitrović. 2020. “The Forging of the Balkan Route: Contextualizing the Border Regime in the EU Periphery“. movements: Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies 5/1: 9-29.

Stojić Mitrović, Marta. 2020. “Izbeglice (Refugees), azilanti (Asylum Seekers) and ilegalni migranti (Illegal Migrants) in Administrative and Public Discourse in Serbia: An Overview of Concepts in a Diachronic Perspective“. Narodna umjetnost: Croatian Journal of Ethnology and Folklore Research 57/2: 147-167.

Stručni i popularni radovi:

Hameršak, Marijana. 2022. „Interview with Jason De León“. Etnološka tribina 45(52): 238-249

Weisner, Zina i Romana Pozniak. 2022. „Care as Counteraction. Addressing Border Deaths at the European Union’s Periphery“. Routed

Hameršak, Marijana i Iva Pleše. 2022. “Šuma kao naoružani krajolik“. Bilten

Hameršak, Marijana. 2022. “Lockdown, durchlässige Grenzen und digitaler Aktivismus am südöstlichen Rand der EU“. COVID 19 – Internationale Perspektive, Herausforderungen und Solidaritäten.

Jovanović, Teodora. 2021. “Мишел Ажије, Нове сеобе народа, нови космополитизам“. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 69/2: 506-508.

Stojić Mitrović, Marta. 2021. “Border Spectacles and COVID-19. From Invisibility to Forced Encampment of People on the Move in Serbia“. Anthropological Theory Commons.

Hameršak, Marijana. 2021. “The Balkan Route. Historical  Transformations from Via Militaris to Autoput, Florian Riedler i Nenad  Stefanov, ur. Walter de Gruyter GmbH,  Berlin/Boston 2021., 241 str“. Narodna umjetnost 58/2: 266-267.

Lipovec Čebron, Uršula. 2021. “Sedem imen. Osem nevidnih smrti trenutnih politik“.

Petrović, Duško. 2020. “Čeka li nas produbljivanje nejednakosti i bespoštedna borba za preostale resurse“. arteist
