Mojca Piškor (Zagreb, 1976) diplomirala je muzikologiju na Muzičkoj akademiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 2001. godine i magistrirala na istoj instituciji 2005. godine magistarskim radom World music i njegova recepcija u Hrvatskoj uz studij primjera percepcije i recepcije afričkih glazbi u Hrvatskoj. Godine 2010. na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu doktorirala je etnologiju i kulturnu antropologiju disertacijom Politike i poetike prostora glazbe: etnomuzikološki i kulturnoantropološki pogledi.
Since 2001 she has been affiliated with, and from 2011 until 2013 permanently employed at, the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research in Zagreb, holding the position of research associate. Since 2011 she has been teaching ethnomusicology courses on the undergraduate and graduate levels at the Academy of Music, University of Zagreb. Since 2013 she has been permanently employed as an assistant professor of Ethnomusicology at the Musicology Department of the Academy of Music, University of Zagreb. In the last seven years she has supervised fifteen MA theses defended at several departments of the Academy of Music in Zagreb. She has participated in two long-term scholarly projects of the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research (Music, Dance and Community: Central and Marginal Practices, 2002-2006; Post-socialism and Cultural Subject: Hybrid Practices of Cultural Mediation, 2007-2013) as well as in a bilateral project organized by the musicology departments of Zagreb and Ljubljana (Auditory Places of Strangeness, 2011-2013). Her fields of interest include traditional and popular musics of the western and non-western world, issues pertaining to the nexus of music, sound and politics, gendered aspects of music-making, and intersections of music and discourse on music and sound. In recent years she has focused her interests on various aspects of the dynamic relationship between music and space/place, acoustemology and the use of music as a tool of torture in socialist political labor camps on the islands of Goli and Sv. Grgur. Before leaving the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, she served as one of the editors of the Institute's journal Narodna umjetnost for one year (2012). She is a member of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), the Croatian Musicological Society (HMD), and the Croatian Ethnological Society (HED). Since 2018 she has been an active member of the Working Group on Diversity, Identity and Inclusiveness on the five-year project Strengthening Music in Society funded by the Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC).
Since 2001 she has been affiliated with, and from 2011 until 2013 permanently employed at, the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research in Zagreb, holding the position of research associate. Since 2011 she has been teaching ethnomusicology courses on the undergraduate and graduate levels at the Academy of Music, University of Zagreb. Since 2013 she has been permanently employed as an assistant professor of Ethnomusicology at the Musicology Department of the Academy of Music, University of Zagreb. In the last seven years she has supervised fifteen MA theses defended at several departments of the Academy of Music in Zagreb. She has participated in two long-term scholarly projects of the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research (Music, Dance and Community: Central and Marginal Practices, 2002-2006; Post-socialism and Cultural Subject: Hybrid Practices of Cultural Mediation, 2007-2013) as well as in a bilateral project organized by the musicology departments of Zagreb and Ljubljana (Auditory Places of Strangeness, 2011-2013). Her fields of interest include traditional and popular musics of the western and non-western world, issues pertaining to the nexus of music, sound and politics, gendered aspects of music-making, and intersections of music and discourse on music and sound. In recent years she has focused her interests on various aspects of the dynamic relationship between music and space/place, acoustemology and the use of music as a tool of torture in socialist political labor camps on the islands of Goli and Sv. Grgur. Before leaving the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, she served as one of the editors of the Institute's journal Narodna umjetnost for one year (2012). She is a member of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), the Croatian Musicological Society (HMD), and the Croatian Ethnological Society (HED). Since 2018 she has been an active member of the Working Group on Diversity, Identity and Inclusiveness on the five-year project Strengthening Music in Society funded by the Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC).