Uršula Lipovec Čebron (Koper, 1975) graduated in 2000 from the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. In 2003 she obtained her M.A. from the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. In 2011 she obtained her Ph.D. with the thesis Erased Citizens without Health Citizenship: a Medical-anthropological Study. She has been employed since 2002 at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana; as an assistant professor since 2012. She holds courses at the B.A. and M.A. levels (Ethnology of Americas, Symbolic Anthropology, Anthropology of Migration, Contemporary Migration, Ethnic Minorities and Citizenship, Medical Anthropology, etc.). She authored the book Krožere zdravja in bolezni: tradicionalne in komplementarne medicine v Istri (2008). She edited the research collection Zgodbe izbrisanih prebivalcev (2011, Croatian translation 2013) and Once upon an Erasure (2007) with Jelka Zorn, a special issue of Časopisa za kritiko znanosti titled Balkanska migracijska pot (2016) with Sara Pistotnik, and Večjezično zdravje (2019) with Nike K. Pokorn. She has published approximately twenty original research articles and approximately twenty professional papers in the field of anthropology of migration and medical anthropology, focusing on the health aspects of migration. She has participated in numerous national and international research projects, most recently in relation to the health system and migration, such as: T-SHARE – Transcultural Skills for Health and Care (2009); WEBWISE – Web 2.0 Supported Higher Education Institutional Learning (2010 – 2012); Together for Health (2014 – 2016); MIPEX Health Strand (2015); SH-CAPAC – Support Member States Under Particular Migratory Pressure in their Response to Health Related Challenges (2016); Training Newly Arrived Immigrants for Community Interpreting and Intercultural Mediation (TRAMIG) (2019). She was a principal researcher in the national project Multilingual Aid for Better Communication between Migrants and Healthcare Workers (2016 – 2018). She is a member of the editorial board of the professional journal Javno zdravje (2017 –), she was a member of the editorial board of the research journal Narodna umjetnost (2011 – 2019). She was a fellow researcher at Sapienza, University of Roma. She has lectured at different European universities (University of Barcelona, University of Zagreb, Cambridge University, University of Wien).