Dr. sc. Marijana Hameršak (Split, 1977), coordinator of the ERIM, is a senior research associate at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research (Zagreb, Croatia) and a titular assistant professor at the University of Zagreb. She graduated Comparative Literature and General Linguistics from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb in 2000 and earned her PhD at the same faculty in 2008.
Her research engagement, publication and teaching predominantly deal with migration, history and anthropology of childhood and children's literature, and book history. She is the author of the book Pričalice: o povijesti djetinjstva i bajke (Taletellers: the History of Childhood and Fairy Tale, Zagreb, 2011) and co-author of the book Uvod u dječju književnost (Introduction to the Children’s Literature, with Dubravka Zima, Zagreb, 2015). With Suzana Marjanić she edited Folkloristička čitanka (Folklore Studies Reader, Zagreb, 2010) and with Iva Pleše and Ana-Marija Vukušić Proizvodnja baštine: kritičke studije o nematerijalnoj kulturi (Production of Heritage: Critical Studies in Intangible Culture, Zagreb, 2013). With Emina Bužinkić she edited collection of research essays about Balkan refugee corridor (Formation and Disintegration of the Balkan Refugee Corridor: Camps, Routes and Borders in Croatian Context, Zagreb, 2017; in English, Zagreb & Munich, 2018). Ekonomski temelji hrvatske književnosti (voditeljica: dr. sc. Maša Kolanović, IP-2016-06-2613), 2017-2020, a od 2016. suradnica na internom projektu IEF-a Etnografija izbjeglištva. Voditeljica je projekta Europski režim iregularizirnaih migracija na periferiji EU: od etnografije do pojmovnika (ERIM) koji financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost (IP 2019-04 6642).
She has published research papers in Croatian, German, English, Polish, Slovenian, Ukrainian and other languages.
She is an associate of University of Zagreb, former associate of University of Dubrovnik, member of different editorial boards and committees, and she closely collaborates with different academic and activist initiatives. She was an associate of number of research and other projects. Detinjstvo, a bila je članica uredništva časopisa Libri et Liberi te biblioteke Nova etnografija.