Tea Škokić (Zagreb, 1970) graduated in Comparative Literature and Ethnology from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, in 1995. She gained her M.A. and Ph.D. from the same faculty at the Department of the Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology. Since 1996, she has been employed at the Institute of the Ethnology and Folklore Research, currently as a senior research associate. She has published two books, Ljubavni kod: ljubav i seksualnost između tradicije i znanosti (2011) and Polutani dugog trajanja: balkanistički diskursi (2014, co-author Andrea Matošević). She has co-edited the research collections Između roda i naroda: etnološke i folklorističke studije (2004), Split i drugi: kulturnoantropološki i kulturnostudijski prilozi (2007), Horror, porno, ennui: kulturne prakse postsocijalizma (2011) and Stranputice humanistike (2017). As a member of the Croatian team, she participated in the research project Closing the Gap Between Formal and Informal Institutions in the Balkans (INFORM), Horizon 2020 (2016 – 2019). She is currently engaged as a research associate for the project Transformation of Work in Post-transition Croatia (TRANSWORK, 2017-2012) funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. She lectured B.A. and M.A. level courses in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb (course Anthropology of Sexuality). From 2008 she has lectured at the doctoral studies level on the course Women a(bou)t the Balkan. Her research interests are feminist anthropology, anthropology of sexuality, anthropology of work. She is a member of the Croatian Ethnological Society, and was deputy director of the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research (2015 – 2019) and an art advisor for the Croatian Audiovisual Center on two occasions (2009, 2010). Ljubavni kod: ljubav i seksualnost između tradicije i znanosti (2011) te Polutani dugog trajanja: balkanistički diskursi (2014) zajedno s Andreom Matoševićem. Suuredila je zbornike Između roda i naroda: etnološke i folklorističke studije (2004), Split i drugi: kulturnoantropološki i kulturnostudijski prilozi (2007), Horror, porno, ennui: kulturne prakse postsocijalizma (2011) te Stranputice humanistike (2017). Kao članica hrvatskog tima sudjelovala je u projektu Closing the Gap Between Formal and Informal Institutions In the Balkans (INFORM), Obzor 2020 (2016 – 2019), a trenutno je članica projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost Transformacija rada u posttranzicijskoj Hrvatskoj (TRANSWORK) (2017 – 2021). Kao vanjska suradnica bila je uključena u preddiplomski i diplomski studij etnologije i kulturne antropologije Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu s kolegijem Antropologija seksualnosti, dok na doktorskom studiju od 2008. do danas drži kolegij Žene (o)na Balkanu. Teme kojima se bavi su rodna i feministička antropologija, antropologija seksualnosti i kultura rada. Članica je Hrvatskog etnološkog društva. Bila je zamjenica ravnatelja Instituta za etnologiju i folkloristiku (2015 – 2019), a u dva mandata (2009, 2010) i umjetnička savjetnica za komplementarne djelatnosti Hrvatskog audiovizualnog centra.